Saving the Planet vs Saving the life?
Another debate which entered into my mind sometime last week before all this week's action in the news (US elections & Gaza disasters) is the new Al Gore documentary "An Inconvenient Truth" and campaign for climate control.
Now I am more of a fan of the Make Poverty History campagin, drop African debt campaign and AIDS awareness, Live 8 etc and the battles of One,DATA,Make Poverty History.
Now when the question is posed to someone whats our choice between these two, the immediate answer is that they are not mutually exclusive. No question that both these are two of the main world wide causes that need to be dealt with, but is more focus going to be put on the environment than a human life. It also deals with the unknown, meaning the privileged masses who get exposed to these campaigns have no clue of the problems in the burning continent of Africa, yet in a way they can more relate to the environmental crisis that most of their countries are causing.
Overall, the underlying similarity is man's greed to undermine the real problems faced with in the world: life and environment. My view from on top of this world is that the cause of the world's campaign needs to focus on the human beings, the Africans, that are suffering in this world.
Dovi, it is not about mutual exclusiveness. Did you not study forward planning and strategy in Business Science. Ofcourse, Darfur, the Middle East and the DRC are very pressing, but if we dont take urgent action on the environment, there will be many more Katrinas, potential cataclysmic disasters in Bangladesh and India. People might talk exclusively about ethnic cleansing, but the island of Tuvalu might be elementally cleansed... The Environment and our attitude to it has a direct bearing on current human tragedies such as Darfur, here it is about food security and access to water as Global Warming increases vital water resources will diminish, food stock will die or wither and the vicious cycle will go on.
One cant have a narrow agenda about this. We need to see the bigger picture.
in the end, its all about propaganda. wether its famous musicians singing to end world hunger or a big name politician on the poster of a movie that would have never gotten distributed had it not been for that name. many people are suffering and just a few are lucky enough to have the media on them or to have angelina adopt a baby from their country. so im not a big believer of these campaigns. i cant remember who it was that said that it is easier to lead a campaign to save the environment than to bend down to pick up a banana peel from the ground. i think he/she was right.
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