Saturday, April 28, 2007

Just around the corner to Caesarea

After about a half an hour drive north from the city of Tel Aviv, I found myself in the 2,000 year old ancient ruins of Caesarea.

Orginally built by Herod the Great about 25 –13 BC, its a fortress, palace, harbour beautifully located on the coast of the Mediterranean. Between Romans, Crusaders, Jews and Muslims various peoples conquered and reconquered this fascinating place.

Having done numerous tours and travels around Israel, I was quite embarrassed to admit that I had not explored this gem of history just half an hour from my house.

Monday, April 16, 2007

London in One Hundred and Twenty Two Seconds

Thanks to Wayne "The Ultimate Tourguide" Sussman

Sunday, April 15, 2007

The top five internet documentaries

(According to the Daily Telegraph)

Loose Change (
One of the most popular internet documentaries yet created. Dylan Avery, Korey Rowe, and Jason Bermas edited this 9/11 conspiracy argument on an aging laptop - it's now been downloaded over four million times. Watch the riposte, Screw Loose Change, at

My Second Life (
A documentary shot entirely on location in the internet's most popular virtual world, Second Life.

Skiing in Iran (
An American skier and his family challenge our preconceptions about Iran by carving up the slopes and generally having a great time. And there's not a mad mullah or nuclear warhead in sight.

Michael Jackson's Sonic 3 (
Rumour has it that Michael Jackson was originally asked to pen a score for this classic Sega game - this documentary argues that some of his work still remains hidden in the soundtrack.

One Inch Punch (
A look at Bruce Lee's famous "one inch punch" technique and how it shaped martial arts.