What makes it winter here:
1stly: socks and shoes, last week was the first time a few months that I put on socks and shoes. It is a strange feeling, and it takes one so long to get dressed now in the mornings.
Aside from that all the ice coffee and fresh fruit

2ndly: Crembo, you know winter has arrived when shops start stocking Crembo because it would simply melt in the summer and would not last a second. Its like a Sweetie Pie which is a wafer at the bottom, sugary cream (see picture) on the inside and chooclate coating on the outside. THere is a whoel philosophy over how one eats the crembo - bite it, eat the chocolate first, wafer first then lick the cream? It facinates me how it is a product that can only run in the winter.
3rdly: Coobe - The corner spaza shops sometimes have different dishes on the weekends, orginally I thought who can eat a meal from a corner store? but soon I discovered that the winter special is a home cooked soup with coobe (pastry with meat inside) served with rice. Coming home on the weekend after a late night out in the cold winter, nothing goes down better than a good portion of coobe from the local corner cafe (or pitzutzia as they call it here).
So winter has arrived, and that's my view on top of this rainy world tonight in Tel Aviv.
Is Coobe the same as Koube? I have never had crembo.
It as if people people in Tel Aviv almost look forward to winter, it is quite different in the Old Blightey.
ha ha socks and shoes! so true!!! it really does take longer in the morning :)
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