Its not often you get 15 emails in one day from the same people, it all started from one of those group emails of remind you when nostalgia so the email reminding you about the eighties, for our generation when we were kids. You know when MC hammer dressed stylishly 

and LA gear clothing was cool:

The Voice of the Lion Lager advert; Zet; Liqui Fruit Banana Juice; Colin " Keep em Peeled " Fluxman from Police Files; Adrian Steed; Mina Moo and Kiem; Murder She Wrote; The Gods Must Be Crazy; Zandberg Jansen The deaf rugby analyst; Miss SA-it used to be big then; Heidi; Volkskas; Saambou; B+H Cricket; Camel adverts; Air Wolf;A Team; Monster Lace Ties; Lucky Packets; pink sweet bracelets;Mikes Kitchen; MC HAMMER; DALLAS; NIGHT RIDER; ATARI; GOOD MORNING SOUTH AFRICA; FRUITY LOOPS; IT (MOVIE WITH KILLER CLOWN); STEVE GUTTENBERG; POLARIOD; OHLSONNS; COMMODORE 64; FRISBE; DUNCAN FERNLEY; DOS; Hulk Hogan; Granadilla lollies (with the black pips inside); 2c chappies; BMX; George Michaels ‘Faith’;Saucony shoes; Mia the Bee; KTV on Saturday morning; No Jacket Required; Miranda; Staying in the sun the WHOLE day and not getting burned; Boogie boards; Zinc suncream (Allan Donald); The ice bell; The milk man; Wielie Walie; WP vs Northern Transvaal classic matches; Andre Agassi's fashion; Fat Albert; Macguyver; reebok pumps; steo hair cuts; block brick hair cuts; Spies and Plessis-brill afrikaans comedy on friday nights amazing; vintage schuster-when he was brilliant; rof-stoei sa wrestling; sticky stretch hands; caps with radios on them; sandy bay; Nigger balls and liquorice; Benny Boekwulm; Station Wagons; Tapes; Beta; Jive Bunny and the Master Mixers; Thunder Cats; Masters of the Universe; rat sweets; mallow fish; rick astley; swart kat; trompie en die boksom bend; The Real Milli Vanilli…; Marbles….; Waist jackets at barmi’s….; Ice Ice Baby…..; Snow/Informer; Island Boy; Leisure Suit Larry; Marco Polo; Muizenberg; Peeshooters; Panini (the make of soccer cards); Chocolate chip yoghurt; Chicco the Clown ice cream (in the metal dish); Simchat Torah flags; Rhythm is a dancer;Morf; Alf; Salusa 45; Old Spice adverts-the music; Monster Munch; Longhorn; Bubble mate bubble bath; Aca Joe;Ghost Pops; Bright Red Tomato Sauce (the one that stains your fingers red); Sports Day; Brian McMillan’s chin; Girls Just Wanna Have Fun;Kreol chips- smelled like vis; Pumpkin Patch; Rainbow- chocolate milk; Sterie Stumpie chocolate milk; That other drink that had a built in straw on the side; LOVING; CONCORD; JACK LEMKUS;Scope; running man dance move;Ruffles Chips - Beef flavour, Woolworths Prawn chips, Ribena, Zola Bud, The creepy magic man at parties, Samantha Fox, Milk bottles with the metal cap
To those that contributed good effort you put a smile on my face from my view from on top of the world today!
1 comment:
Liewe Heksie used to irk me and freak me out.
Technotronic, Pump Up The Jam
A great walk down memory lane
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