Dynamite comes in small packages, the shining gun metal silver of her sleek design. The way she moves in and out of those traffic lanes
among the wildest drivers in the world. The roar she makes as she
manoeuvers those hills towards Jerusalem. Her patience when we drive around the neighbourhood looking for that open oasis space called a parking in Tel
Aviv is uncanny. And her sheer beauty and she just sits in her parking space checking out the scene in the city.
Ladies and Gentleman as well as all my blog readers presenting to you
Pricilia - Queen of the Desert -my little Fiat Punto - 1100.
I have to admit, Pricilia & me are very good friends...I even tried to make a shiduch with an exclusive Honda Jazz, but seems like the Honda Jazz is gay...Anyway I wish Pricilia all the best&I hope she's not getting abused anymore by asian or russian massage-flyers
Go Dovi, got the wheels. A nice compact car for city which is terrible for parking.
abd for the cars sake lets hope Lieberman is not the next Min of Transport
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